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Attendees of the GEM 2 Workshop at the PSB in Raleigh, June 2023

Jul 31, 2023

CERSA Workshop Series: Outlining Foundational Studies to Address Key Uncertainties for Genome-Edited Microbes

“It doesn’t matter which kind of CRISPR you use,” Rodolphe Barrangou, T. R. Klaenhammer Distinguished Professor at North Carolina State University, reassured us in his opening remarks at a recent… 

Jul 23, 2024

CERSA Established as a Research Center on NC State’s Centennial Campus

On Friday, July 19th, 2024 Interim Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation recommended to establish the Center of Excellence for Regulatory Science in Agriculture (CERSA) at NC State, the first of… 

Feb 23, 2024


Founded by a team of visionary women, FA Bio is dedicated to identifying sustainable agriculture solutions. They have created a new microbial discovery platform to assist with developing agricultural bioproducts.… 

Feb 23, 2024

CERSA’s Genome-Edited Microbial Workshop Series continues

In September 2022, the Genome-Edited Microbial Workshop Series was first held in Washington, DC by CERSA. Since then, it has met two more times in June 2023 (in-person) and November… 

Jul 31, 2023

CERSA Intern finishes position with USDA-FAS

Madeline Maynard is a recent graduate of NCSU’s Crop and Soil Sciences program at NCSU, and she just completed her internship with NCSU’s Center for Excellence in Regulatory Science in… 

Jul 31, 2023

Advisory Board Meeting in October

This October we will be holding a Virtual Board Meeting to accommodate all our advisory board members. We will email information to members of the board in August. Please email… 

Jul 31, 2023

Call for Interns 2024

A vital part of the outreach arm of CERSA is the CERSA internship program open to students in the Regulatory Science certificate program. As technology and innovation grows by leaps… 

Apr 12, 2023

What Does it Take to Communicate Pesticide Risk Effectively

Pesticide risk communication is an integral part of harmonizing global regulations, and it is especially relevant in harmonizing Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) in global trade regulations. When countries understand and… 

Dec 22, 2022

CERSA Co-Director Wins Prestigious ACS Fellowship

The LSU College of Coast & Environment announced Kevin L. Armbrust, the Claiborne Chair of Environmental Toxicology and head of the Department of Environmental Sciences, has been named a 2022 Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS). ACS awards its prestigious fellowship to members who not only make exceptional contributions to their discipline, but also provided excellent service to the society. 

Dec 21, 2022

Updates from FAS

In July the United Nation’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) hosted their second in-person food safety workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa. The purpose of the IAEA/FAO workshop is to support the African continent in improving food safety processes including pesticide registration and residue management practices. USDA/FAS engaged in this strategic partnership with IAEA and FAO to improve the dialogue with key African partners across the continent, and in particular the African Union and Regional Economic Communities (RECs), around the implementation of the Africa Union Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Policy Framework, Food Safety Strategy, and the SPS chapter under the Africa Continental Free Trade Area agreement.